Author: Crookes, Richard
Description: TAI CHI REFLECTIONS: Empowerment through the Body Language of the Tai Chi Form is both authored and illustrated by Richard Crookes, the illustrator of the award-winning Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards. In this beautifully illustrated set of 48 cards, the reader will gain access to the inner calm and personal empowerment that is inherent in the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi practice through engaging with the body language of each posture. This deck is not intended to be an instructional system for learning the Tai Chi exercise, rather it is an inspirational tool for reflection and empowerment. It will encourage the seeking out of further Tai Chi instruction for inner and outer health. Richard has assembled a power team to aid in the creation of these images: Tammasak Pungpontien, Tai Chi Master, Somporn Crookes, Tai Chi Therapy Consultant Courtney Violet Bentley, Fitness coach and writer on Empowerment for women. Kit Johnson, Photographer and Reiki Master. Through the collective wisdom and sensitivity of the team, coupled with his lifelong experience of creating powerful and beautiful imagery, Richard has created with this deck of cards a unique and simple key to the gateway of the ancient knowledge of this beautiful and mysterious martial art.
ISBN: 9781844096695
Publish Date: 1/09/2015