Angel Experiment, The
Author: Grillo, Corin
Description: When a friend offered author Corin Grillo a session of angel healing, Grillo was doubtful. But she was also a burnt-out psychotherapist, guilt-ridden about how little time and energy she had for her daughter, depressed, threatened with foreclosure and, oh yeah, drinking a tad too much. Grillo walked out of that initial reading with renewed energy and a rare-to-her sense of calm, peace, and hope. She resolved to keep talking to and studying angels. She soon learned that angels were not wimpy harp-playing creatures but powerful warriors ready and waiting, 24/7, to hear from us. Grillo discovered the ways that indigenous peoples and the faithful of all major world religions have called on benevolent beings, sent from God/Source/Creator, to aid humans. The results Grillo saw in herself were undeniable and as she began offering her 21-day workshop to others, any remaining skepticism on her part was gone. Here are inspiring stories of physical and emotional healing, finances improving, and addictions vanishing. Grillo offers a variety of techniques for various life challenges and the specific angels to be approached. Her down-to-earth spiritual wisdom shows that anyone, believer or skeptic, can tap into a power just waiting for us to ask.
ISBN: 9781608686254
Dimensions: 21.6 and 14 cm
Publish Date: 1-Jan-20
Page Count: 224
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