How to Meditate Like a Buddhist
Author: Kane, Cynthia
Description: While most of us have heard about the mental and physical benefits of meditation, beginning a regular practice can sometimes seem more daunting than training for a marathon. Maybe you’re curious about meditation but don’t know where or how to start, or perhaps you’ve tried it but weren’t able to stick with it. If this describes you, then How to Meditate Like a Buddhist is the perfect place to begin. In this compact and powerful book, author and certified meditation instructor Cynthia Kane demystifies this ancient practice while gently guiding you through everything you need to know about posture, breathing, mind-set, and more. Informed by her own years of practice, Kane has distilled the most important aspects of Buddhist meditation in one accessible guide. Read this book and start taking advantage of meditation’s incredible benefits today!
Publisher: Hierophant Publishing
ISBN: 9781950253005
Dimensions: 20.3 and 12.7 cm
Publish Date: 21/06/2020
Page Count: 192
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