Mysterious Realities
Author: Moss, Robert
Description: Dreams have been called the “royal road to the unconscious,” but to bestselling author and world-renowned dream explorer Robert Moss, they are more: portals to the imaginal realm, a higher reality that exists at the intersection of time and eternity. As a master storyteller, Moss takes you on journeys where you encounter goddesses and daimons, uncanny animals, doppelgängers from parallel worlds, and spirits of the dead (both famous and obscure). These adventures — by turns terrifying, beautiful, and wildly funny — remind us that dreaming is not just about what happens in sleep but about awakening to deeper realities. This can happen in the midst of everyday life, in special moments of synchronicity when you know, in your shivers, that greater powers are in play. The traveler’s tales in this book are “just-so” stories in the sense that they spring from direct experience in the Many Worlds. As you journey from the temple of the Great Goddess at Ephesus to an amazing chance encounter on an airplane, from Dracula country in Transylvania to the astral realm of Luna, you’ll confirm that the doors to the Otherworld open from wherever you are. You’ll see what it means to live on a mythic edge and to make a deal with your personal Death for a life extension. At any moment, you may fall, like the author, into the lap of a goddess or the jaws of an archetype.
ISBN: 9781608685387
Dimensions: 21.5 and 13.9 cm
Publish Date: 1/12/2018
Page Count: 256
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