Progress Over Perfection
Author: Norris, Emma
Description: Progress over Perfection will guide you through monotasking, batch working, productivity and resting – not quitting. You’ll be able to achieve anything you set your mind to without the pressure of doing everything. Set intentional plans and accomplish them without feeling stress, anxiety or the pressure of external factors while also improving your focus and living a purposeful life. Each chapter of this book is tailored to help you achieve mindful productivity. You’ll learn to embrace the chaos, set boundaries, create realistic objectives, practice mindfulness, and much more! With Progress over Perfection you’ll find the courage and the resolve to do what you want to do without having to compromise your plans to fit the pressures of everyday society. It’s possible to be your true self and achieve anything you want, even among the chaos.
Publisher: Quarto
ISBN: 9781631066825
Dimensions: 20 and 14 cm
Publish Date: 2/06/2020
Page Count: 144
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