Spells for a Magical Year

Spells for a Magical Year


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Author: Bartlett, Sarah

Description: Using planetary, solar, and other natural influences, as well as the ancient power of pagan holidays, goddess energy, and traditional festive dates-draw upon beneficial universal energy at any time in the year to maximize your spell success. This comprehensive almanac by the best-selling author Sarah Bartlett includes all the important celebrations. Discover which spells work best on Sabbats, Halloween, and All Soul’s Day; as well as days devoted to deities from world spiritual traditions such as Greek Demeter, Hindu Durga, or Persian god, Baal. Spells for a Magical Year reveals specially designed spells and rituals for all major dates to benefit you and your loved ones. Follow step-by-step instructions for performing the rituals, using talismans or amulets, and casting spells around New and Full Moons, solstices, and equinoxes. There is also a unique guide to bewitchments according to the apparent path of the sun through the sky to boost fertility, love, creativity, prosperity, and well-being. This eclectic spell book also uses invocations, blessings, talismans, and amulets drawn from a wide range of traditional magic practices from around the world, including medieval grimoires, ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian magical tablets, Greco-Roman Magic texts, all completely updated for the modern-day witch. By working with the cycles of nature, you can stay in tune with the rhythms of the universe to help manifest your dreams.

Publisher: Quarto

ISBN: 9780785837268

Dimensions: 23.9 and 19.1 cm

Publish Date: 1/07/2019

Page Count: 224